Friday, January 16, 2009

If We Are to Succeed, We Must Change

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If we are not happy with the way our lives are going the secret is TO CHANGE IT, that's right we have to change. If you nothing about it you will be exactly where you are right now, ten years from now. You will have not moved to inch from where you are now. One of the reasons why this is so, is because so many of us major on minor things. I can just hear you say, hey I have to pay my bills, feed myself etc. These are minor things and as such should be dealt with and then move on.

1: What do you want:

The clearer you can get this into your mind, the more it will empower you, physically, mentally, and financially.

2: Take Action. This is where a lot of people come unstuck, I often hear things like I do not know what to do. Where do I start? What if it doesn't work? Well if it doesn't work at least you have got an education, you now know what does not work. Many people fail at this early point, it's not that they don't know what they want because they do. For some reason they put this step on the back burner and say some day I will do that. Let me tell you right now, someday is right now. The road to someday leads to a town called nowhere.

You may be saying to yourself, but how do I take action. One simple word DECIDE To take action, decide to never settle for second best again. Decide you are to valuable to settle for less. You are a unique human being, there is only one of you. Be the best you can be at whatever you take on. Start demanding from yourself more than you have ever done, more than anybody can imagine. As soon as you start taking action you immediately Empower yourself and that power will see you through the toughest of time. It is said the best way to fight fear is to face it. Many people will not even start because of the word. FEAR. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of success. Face you fear head on and you will see it disappear. Fear is only fear as long as it is unknown, get to know that fear and it no longer exists. It is not what can or can not do in life that makes the difference, it is what we WILL do. That is the key to taking action and empowering yourself and your mind.

3: Know what you are getting from your action:

Do you ever fail? Of course you do. The most successful people in the world have failed more times than we would every believe, but that's why they are successful. The trick is to make failure your teacher, learn from it and move on. But above all take notice of your results, are they the one you want? Do not get locked into a tunnel vision mind set, make you actions flexible enough so you can alter your course as you go.

4: Change:
If it is not working change it, no matter how many times you have to do this. Do we give a our children a certain amount of time to learn to walk and then shut them down. Are we CRAZY, no we let them keep trying until they do learn to walk. That's why most of us walk today. Translate this into what you are doing right now. Do not ever give up, it is not in your best interest to succumb to failure.

Twelve Principles For Managing Change

1. Thought processes and relationship dynamics are fundamental if change is to be successful.

2. Change only happens when each person makes a decision to implement the change.

3. People fear change it "happens" to them.

4. Given the freedom to do so, people will build quality into their work as a matter of personal pride.

5. Traditional organisational systems treat people like children and expect them to act like adults.

6. "Truth" is more important during periods of change and uncertainty than "good news."

7. Trust is earned by those who demonstrate consistent behavior and clearly defined values.

8. People who work are capable of doing much more than they are doing.

9. The intrinsic rewards of a project are often more important than the material rewards and recognition.

10. A clearly defined vision of the end result enables all the people to define the most efficient path for accomplishing the results.

11. The more input people have into defining the changes that will affect their work, the more they will take ownership for the results.

12. To change the individual, change the system.

In # 10 A clearly defined vision of the end result enables all the people to define the most efficient path for accomplishing the results.

Without a vision a plan cannot be made in order for change to take place. If everyone in the business or organization can see the vision and the 'big picture' they can make their goals according to the vision. Keeping physical reminders at the workplace can engrave the goals made on the person's consciousness and be very motivating.

In #1 Thought processes and relationship dynamics are fundamental if change is to be successful. Initially and foremost proper mindset is most important in the success of any person in the workplace. There's nothing worse than working with someone who has a bad attitude. This rubs off on others and if everyone does their job with a great attitude towards it, the results can be quite phenomenal. In regards to change the cooperation of others is essential. It's not easy when someone resists and does not 'go with the flow' Communication is key here in making sure everyone knows what is going on and understands so that if there are any questions, they can be answered, accordingly.

In #4 Given the freedom to do so, people will build quality into their work as a matter of personal pride. If there isn't any freedom to be creative and there is too much stress people react differently but I would gather to say that this would cause strife in the work environment and the quality of work will go down. If the company is relying on a product to be produced it will more than likely end up getting complaints from the consumer.

Of course, I am speaking in general terms but tried to give an example here of what taking away someone's freedom can cause, to happen in a business or organisation. I know for myself, the stricter the rules or regulations are set down the less you can think about the tasks but worry about breaking codes or freshly established rules. In a business place I'd want my personnel to concentrate on what they do best and what they were hired for in the first place. People do have their personal pride and know their work produced reflects that. If an person is going to get criticism for the work he produces then it doesn't help their ego or self-esteem. People love to be praised and rewarded for what they do well, even if it's just seeing something of perfection done by one's own hands.

"In general, people and teams are stimulated by being given responsibility. Having ownership of an identifiable block of work is a long-held tenet of motivation in groups. Responsibility can be tricky, however. Implied in this concept is the understanding that the responsibility comes along with authority to make the necessary changes. Teams that have both the responsibility and authority tend to maintain motivation over longer periods of time.

Responsibility can be de-motivating if the consequences of error or failure are too great. If the organisation, for example, has a history of punishing mistakes, then the giving of responsibility is viewed more as a negative. The short-term performance may be good (remember fear is a Motivator), but long-term motivation will suffer. It is difficult to sustain high performance when energy is being sapped by fear".(Team Motivation)

So here in essence it be-hooves anyone in management to keep in mind the delicate balance that must be kept in regards to how they are going to lead a group. There must be flexibility in management to give the team their own responsibility to their own work. In the end the benefits will be obvious in letting everyone be responsible for their own work but being there if necessary to make changes that will make things better not worse.

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