Friday, January 23, 2009

12 Job Interview Tips to Help You Ace Your Next Interview!

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So you've written and re-written your resume and cover letter countless've used every trick in the book to make your resume and cover letter stand out. You've finally sent them out to get your dream job and low and behold all that hard work has finally paid off...the phone rings and you get that call you've been waiting have been asked to interview for the job of your dreams. don't mess it up!

It's important that all that hard work to get the interview doesn't go waste...the last thing you want to do is blow it on the interview.

Here are 12 job interview tips to help you get that job of your dreams...

1. Never be late for a job interview. Not only will arriving late not go over too well with your interviewer, but you should give yourself time to relax and gather your thoughts before the interview actually starts.

2. Do your research. Before the interview, try to find out as much as you can about the company. How else do you expect to answer the question, "Why do you want to work out [insert company name]?" Or, "Why do think you would be a good fit with [insert company]?" Or, a number of similar questions. If you don't know anything about the company you are not going to get hired.

3. Always carry extra copies of your resume to the interview. You never know if others will be called in to sit on the interview committee. You want to be able to give everyone on the committee his or her own copy of your resume.

4. Interviewers want to know that you are not just looking for "any" job, but that you are looking for the "right" job for you. Therefore, you should be prepared with a handful of questions that you would like ask of them. This will also make the interview seem more like a two-way conversation rather than a one-way interview.

5. Never pretend you know more than what you really do. Lying or misleading the interviewer will come back to haunt you.

6. Always dress properly for an interview. Your first impression could be your last one. When in doubt it is better to over dress than under dress.

7. Research the most common interview questions for the job you are seeking and practice your answers. Always try to be as specific as possible when answering questions. Use examples whenever possible.

8. Body language plays an important role in whether or not you get hired. You should greet your interviewer with a firm handshake and maintain eye contact during the interview. Watch out for any bad speaking habits you might have such too many hand gestures or biting your upper lip.

9. Show your passion for the job. Remember, passion is NOT something that can be either have it or you don't. Your employer wants to know that you have it.

10. Be attentive while the interview is going on. Listen to the question being asked. You can recollect your thoughts before answering the question and you can always ask for clarification in case you do not understand the question.

11. Answer the questions in a manner that shows that your strengths and experiences match those that are required by the job.

12. End the interview with another firm handshake and ask when you can expect to hear from them about the job.

Job interviews can be extremely stressful...especially when it is a job you really want. However, if you follow the job interview tips above you will enter your next job interview with much more confidence.

Now go out and ace your next job interview